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Bounce Back From Your Divorce, Breakup or Setback Into 
Happiness & Success FAST...

Go From Bitterness, Resentment, Anger & Depression To Emotional Healing, A Loving & Trusting Relationship, A Prosperous Business (Or Career), Vibrant Health & A Feeling of Fulfillment

It’s true…

There’s a new and different way for you to recover from a divorce super fast.

It’s called the "Transformation Trilogy."

And it’s very different from the common methods you’re likely familiar with because of how it helps anyone quickly move past breakups and setbacks into a more fulfilling and prosperous life by... you control over your mind and emotions so that you can get into the driver's seat and create the transformation you really truly want.

If you tried other programs without success, IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT! You are about to learn what the experts fail to tell you.

First, this allows you to gain control over your emotions. You quiet the storm within. 

You feel peace sweep through you like ocean waves.

That way, clarity returns to your mind.

Then you gain clarity on what you really truly want. 

You'll also discover the things you do in your head that keep you from getting them

It's part of the reasons you unconsciously attract the things you don't want.

Then you'll change that for good and bring your dream life to reality

You will condition your mind and body to automatically act in ways that lead you to your dream destination. 

In the end, you wake up feeling joyful every day. Excited knowing that you will bounce back better than before.

You'll feel that iron-clad harmony among your mind, body, and Spirit. 

This makes you super resilient: able to weather any storm that may come in the future with ease.

And as you’ll see, it only requires you to fill in a simple set of workbooks, and voila! it reveals, in 3D, the inner workings of your subconscious mind and shows you the fastest route to your permanent and transformative change.

The best part of all, it doesn't require years and the cost of therapy, it doesn’t require you to meditate endlessly or years of positively sounding affirmations that don't seem to be generating any visible, permanent change.

The best part of all, you are not going to just rely on your will power or years of positive self-affirmations that don't seem to be generating any visible, permanent change.

And you can move your life from where it is right now to one of happiness, fulfillment, and prosperity regardless of what self-help solutions you've tried in the past or what the situations or limitations are right now.

So, if you want to overcome a divorce or setbacks faster than you ever thought possible and live the life where you will love it to be... want to pay close attention to what I’m about to share with you because...

If I Can Do It, So Can You

How did a 60+ years old man who was once broke, divorced, homeless, and battled cancer turn things around and now live his best life?

Maybe you just got divorced. Maybe your divorce has been a while. Maybe your finances were hit. Maybe you don’t even have a comfortable home.

Perhaps you are back in the world of dating and everything seems cold. 

Maybe you’ve even forgotten how to date or you feel you’re too old and unattractive that nobody will ever love you again.

Well, I’m here to tell you that there is hope. 
Michael Sassorossi has Trained, coached, and motivated over 350+ private clients in his 30+ as a coach, trainer & motivator. AFAA, FRA, TPI, certified relationship workshop facilitator. Once hosted a TV show. Owned 3 fitness and wellness centers & spas.

If I Can Do It, So Can You

The date was May 21st, 2012. I was 51 and living in Massachusetts.

I had no relationship.

I had no confidence.

I had no Joy. I was in misery.

And I had a hard time trusting people.

As if that’s NOT enough…

I was constantly consumed with anger, bitternessresentment, worry, doubt and fear.

I was ready to give up. And being away from the dating scene for years, I was afraid nobody will ever love me again.

But my saving grace was that...

My Profession Equipped Me To Deal With The Situation

Or so I thought
I've had lot's of experience in the self-improvement Industry.

In my 30+ years, I’ve trained, coached, and motivated over 350+ private clients.

I am a certified professional & group life coach. I’m a certified master personal trainer. I have certifications from the prestigious AFAA, FRA, TPI

I am even a certified relationship workshop facilitator.

In fact, I’ve owned fitness and wellness centers & spas in two different countries in the course of my career. I’ve also owned a sales & marketing company.

I’ve even hosted my own TV show.

So recovery shouldn't be that hard.

But, complete healing was still far away.

I gave it everything I had. 
  • I tried praying - lots of desperation prayer.
  • ​I tried positive affirmations that never seemed to work.
  • ​I tried listening to motivational speakers but experienced no significant change
  • ​I read all the relationship, business, career, and self-improvement books, and videos that I could lay my hands on but knowledge alone doesn’t necessarily equate to desired outcomes.
  • I even tried meditation, visualization, positive affirmations, and chanting. Nothing.
I gave it my BEST shot.

And it didn’t work.

But everything changed for me when I discovered that...

I Had kidney Cancer with a Tumor the Size of a Grapefruit.

When The doctor told me I had cancer after going in for what I thought was a kidney stone, he said with the size of this tumor we have to move quick or it will spread all over your body.

This meant I was constantly worried about my kids and my future. Will I die?

I was so angry, depressed, and confused.

I taught my life was supposed to be getting better. So, why was I manifesting a life-threatening disease?

Why wasn't it working?

I had goals, dreams, and aspirations... I wanted more out of life...

...and feeling sorry for myself wasn't going to work.

That was when I decided to ditch all the conventional wisdom and go on my own quest.

Did it pay off? You bet it did.

Here is what I discovered that changed it all for me...

Maybe You’ve Tried Out Other Self-Help/Self-Improvement Products That Didn’t Really Work

Maybe you’ve read some of the classics and listened to some of the biggest motivational speakers.

Maybe you’ve bought some of the most popular self-help courses online.

Maybe you’ve tried visualization, meditation, “The Power”, positive affirmations, and a whole load of others and may have NOT seen the transformation you expected.

I’m here to let you in on a little Industry secret…

It’s Not Your Fault That It Didn't Work

Those Gurus, Teachers, Experts, Course Creators, Etcetera Have All Been Economical with The Truth… Or Perhaps, They Too (Just Like I Once Was) Don’t Know the Whole Truth
It still beats my imagination to this very day…

How is it possible that even though in my 30+ years in this industry, I’ve trained, coached, and motivated over 350+ private clients

…It took life-threatening cancer to realize that what we’ve all been teaching is fundamentally flawed?

I mean I am a certified professional & group life coach

I’m a certified master personal trainer. I have certifications from the prestigious AFAA, FRA, TPI

I am even a certified relationship workshop facilitator.

In fact, I’ve owned three fitness and wellness centers & spas in the course of my career. I’ve owned a sales & marketing company.

I’ve even hosted my own TV show.

Yet, when my setbacks started rolling in…

All My CONVENTIONAL Knowledge, Certification & Years of Experience Couldn’t Save Me

I’ve had a devastating divorce – so devastating that it took me years to heal completely.

My business crumbled. I became homeless and even lived in a cave at one time.

I developed shingles, pus, and partial paralysis in my face and was forced to go door-to-door with that face selling stuff to survive.

All this while, I kept applying all my "years of knowledge" to my situation. But nothing significant really happened.

To make matters worse…

I discovered that I had cancer.

That was the moment it dawned on me that something was fundamentally wrong with everything we’ve all been teaching.

So I ditched the conventional wisdom and went on a quest to find out the truth.

Did I succeed? You bet I did.

Why Does Most Self-Help Solution Seem NOT To Work That Well?

My name is Michael Sassorossi and during my time as a full-time coach, trainer, and motivator...

I was able to help a lot of people create permanent changes -- especially in the area of physical fitness.

But there were still people I couldn't help especially in the area of life goals and achievements.

I was up-to-date with the industry knowledge and training -- the same training everybody in the industry had.

Yet, I couldn't help everybody


It bugged me for a long time. 

But after I ditch the conventional wisdom and went on my quest, the answer came to me.

And the answer is simple.

The human being is a system. Like every system, everything is connected. 

You can't deal with any part in isolation.

But that is how nearly every self-help solutions out there are designed.

Take positive affirmation for example

I've met a lady who did it for two years. Yet, she didn't get any significant permanent change.

Why? It's because of a concept that psychologists call a cognitive dissonance.

This concept states that no two contradictory idea can coexist in the mind.

What does this have to do with positive affirmation? 


Let's say Pete has a deep rooted believe that he's unlovable. Now you tell Pete to say to himself every morning, "I'm loveable."

What will happen is that his subconscious mind will say, "No you're NOT".

This conflict between what he want's to be (his affirmation) and what his believe system holds to be true makes the change he seeks difficult.

If Pete wants to change that believe and attract more love into his life, he needs to pay attention to what is already in his believe system.

He needs to deal with it first. He needs to uproot the old to install the new.

But most solutions don't pay attention to these nuances. That's why they don't work that well.

It's why they need lots of effort to get them to work. It's why everything I knew couldn't save me when the storm came for me.

I Made The Decision To Embark On A Life-Transforming Venture

And Today, My Life is Better For It

The date was May 21st, 2012. I was 52 and living in Massachusetts.

I had no relationship.

I had no confidence.

I had no Joy. I was in misery.

And I had a hard time trusting people.

As if that’s NOT enough…

...I just found out I had kidney cancer with a tumor the size of a grapefruit.

This meant I was constantly worried about my kids and my future.

There’s a stupid myth out there… that just thinking positive will get you where you want to be.

… Well maybe sometimes it does...

But if you want to be open to a great relationship and a great future, it is almost never the answer...

I know, because I tried.

I gave it everything I had.
  • I tried praying - lots of desperation prayer
  • ​I tried positive affirmations that never seem to work
  • ​I tried listening to motivational speakers but experienced no significant change
  • ​I read all the relationship, business, career, and self-improvement books, and videos that I could lay my hands on but knowledge alone doesn’t necessarily equate to desired outcomes.
  • I even tried meditation and chanting. Nothing.
I gave it my BEST shot.

And it didn’t work.

I played by the rules and did everything right. Yet, I ended up manifesting cancer.

I was so angry, depressed, and confused.

I taught my life was supposed to be getting better. So, why was I manifesting a life-threatening disease?

Why wasn't it working?

I had goals, dreams, and aspirations... I wanted more out of life...

...and feeling sorry for myself wasn't going to work.

That was when I decided to ditch all the conventional wisdom and go on my own quest.

Did it pay off? You bet it did.

Today, I’m Blessed To Be Living My Best Life In The Beautiful Country Of Costa Rica

I went from being an angry, bitter, resentful, and divorced old man to being in the most fulfilling relationship I’ve ever been in.
I went from having no job or money to growing a thriving business and doing the kind of work that I enjoy.
I used to be homeless. 

In fact, I once lived in a cave. But today, I live by the beach in Costa Rica.
Some people look at me from afar and say it’s just luck. But I know deep within my heart that it’s beyond luck.
My name is Michael Sassorossi and I'm a bounce back coach.

I help people breakthrough from where they are now to where they want to be. I help them discover what's making them stuck and help them remove it so that they can prosper.

In my 30+ years as a coach, mentor, and motivator, I've had lots of success stories.

Will you be my next?
Here’s What People Are Saying:
Suzanne Cusa

Heather Szymczak
John Sellier

You Are About To Discover A Little-Known Truth About Happiness, Joy & Success

The Science To Turning Failures, Disappointments & Setbacks To Happiness & Success 
When you think about it for a moment…

Everything we do all our lives boils down to those two: happiness & success.

All the struggles and education. All our relationships. Our jobs, careers, and businesses.

We put so much time and energy into our relationships. Our jobs, careers, businesses and our health because we want to be successful and happy in them.

You probably have goals you are currently working on. Perhaps, you tell yourself that once you achieve them, you will be happy.

But is that the whole truth?

Some people say to themselves, “My life is terrible.” Some feel their life is just ok. Others may be in an awesome place success-wise.

Then some people have one part of their life going great. While the other parts remain a constant sources of heartache.

And then, some people seem to have everything going well for them. Then you look close and realize that they are NOT really happy

Often, we hear of seemingly successful people who commit suicide.

What’s really going on?

How To Use Happiness To Accelerate Your Success

PLUS How To Be Happy When You're NOT Yet Successful
Success doesn’t necessarily lead to happiness. In fact, it’s the other way around
~ Psychological Bulletin

Now why is it important to be happy or joyful? 

Shawn Archer, Harvard lecturer, had this to say about happiness as quoted from Biology Of Belief by Bruce H. Lipton, PhD. Achor’s studies emphasize that we have been culturally programmed to believe that if we reach our goals (when we get into Harvard, lose 20 pounds, get a high paying job, etc.), then we’ll be happy." 

However, this formula for happiness is actually inverted: happiness fuels success, not the other way around. Simply stated, success doesn’t bring happiness; happiness brings success”.

This is Counter-Intuitive

Work hard, become successful, then you will be happy. That was the mantra while I was growing up.

So why do these huge piles of research findings disagree?

But that begs the question...

Does happiness alone lead to success?

Is happiness all you need to be successful in relationships, work, career, or any other field of endeavor?

Does smiling away all day and being upbeat automatically make everything fall into place?

I wish it was that easy.

But this concept is part of a simple but powerful system that can help you...

SHORTCUT Your Journey To Happiness & Success

"Imagine Achieving in 6 Months What May Take You 5 Years"
Yeah, true! That sounds exaggerated. Though I've seen it happen

And of course, it may NOT happen that fast for you. But one thing is clear. These principles can accelerate your journey to happiness & success.

So just close your eyes and picture it for a moment.

Imagine experiencing accelerated growth in every area of your life.

You make the best decisions and acquire the skills you need at lightning speed.

You're motivated, confident, and self-assured. Procrastination disappears. Enthusiasm takes its place.

You begin to behave like a super-intelligent being.

Then you begin to see dramatic improvements in your relationshipsfinances, work,, social life, health and more.

The “Transformation Trilogy”

Is The Key
What exactly is the Transformation Trilogy? Your car may have a clue.

If you wanted to wash your car, how do you go about it?

Do you wash the tires and ignore the windshield? Do you wash the windows and ignore the hood?

I bet you don’t.

But why do most self-help products do exactly that?

A Human Being is Part Body, Part Mind & Part Spirit

  • The Spirit gives us access to God's purpose, power & guidance -- our emotions are also tied to it.
  • The mind helps us make decisions, solve problems & complete tasks. It houses our drives, desires, and motivations -- it's our bio-software.
  • The body gives us energy and executes our decisions & tasks. (2)
If you want to dramatically improve your speed of happiness and success, you must pay attention to all three.

But most self-help solutions focus on just one
  • The spirit: like meditation, visualization, positive affirmations, and prayers.
  • ​The mind: like all those motivational books and videos.
  • ​The body: like yoga and workout.
The worst part is that all these solutions sometimes feel like throwing mud to the wall hoping it sticks.

Personal transformation is NOT a one-size-fits-all. It’s personalized. What works for you may NOT work for the other person.

And the most important part is that it’s practical and that it works.

It goes beyond listening to or reading about inspiring positive-sounding ideas.

It goes beyond closing your eyes and seeing pictures in your mind's eyes.

It goes beyond stretches and exercises.
And how often do you hear about an exciting, and seemingly life-transforming idea but never got it to work for you?

Perhaps the idea was on your system for days like a drug. You were excited. You wanted to make it work.

Then after days have passed, the drug all fizzled out and you’re back to where you began.

Or maybe it’s a program that requires you to follow a certain daily ritual. Meditation for example. 

Perhaps you were very motivated at the beginning. But after waiting for a result, you gave up.

It’s NOT your fault.

These ideas and programs are not holistic. 

They don’t take into consideration the whole range of the human existence.

They are NOT also personalized. 

No single solution can work exactly for everyone because we are all different. 

For most of these programs, it’s like putting a round peg in a square hole and forcing it to fit.

With Transformation Trilogy, you use simple fill-in-the-blank cheat sheets & workbooks to find your own very path.

You discover what you really truly want -- and what you don't.

You gain the clarity, drive, and understanding on how best to get to the destination you desire.

Then you achieve success in different areas of your life way faster.

This is How the Transformation Trilogy Works

It Starts By Enhancing Your Spirit 
Remember how we established earlier that happiness leads to success -- and NOT necessarily the other way around?

But how do you become happy when you’re NOT yet successful?

How do you stay happy when the world around you gives you millions of reasons NOT to be?
And What exactly does happiness mean?

Wikiversity defines happiness as a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. (3)

But how do you feel contented and joyful when everything around you seems to be conspiring to keep you unhappy?

One way I’ve discovered to do that is to apply some happiness-inducing spiritual principles

NOT religion. Spiritual principle. Take gratitude for example.

Numerous research findings from Dr. Robert A. Emmons of the University of California, Davis, and Dr. Michael E. McCullough of the University of Miami have constantly shown that... 

...people who imbibe the habit of gratitude even in difficult times experience greater happiness in their lives.(4) 

But how do you become a naturally grateful person? How do you intuitively see things to be grateful for when life seems hard?

Transformation Trilogy is the answer.

It helps you turn certain happiness-inducing spiritual principles into a habit

That way, staying happy in the face of difficulties isn’t what you do anymore. It becomes who you are.

This is NOT to say that you'll be happy 100% of the time. It doesn't guarantee you'll never have a sad moment in your life. Far from it. 

But if you can have far more happy days in your life, would it be worth it

I bet it would. 

And that's what this is all about.

After Enhancing Your Emotional Wellbeing...

The Transformation Trilogy Strengthens Your Mind
It helps you strengthen the conative part of your mind – the part responsible for all your voluntary actions.

That way, you get in touch with your true self and get clarity on what you truly want and how to get it.

You gain confidence and have a high level of motivation that never goes dry. 

You become resilient and strong. Procrastination goes out of the window. Enthusiasm takes over.

Then you will enjoy every step of the journey because every experience – both the seemingly pleasant and unpleasant ones – will become a source of joy.

Let me explain…

Psychologists all agree that there are 3 faculties of the mind (5):

📌 Cognition: the part you use for thinking⁣

📌 Affect: The emotional part, you use for feeling⁣
📌 Conation: The action part, responsible for every voluntary action you take.⁣
The Tri-Component Attitude Model 
(Howard, and Sheth, 1969)
But most Self-Help  programs & solutions focus on just the thinking and the emotional.

They tend to ignore the action part.

Why is it so?

Could it be that the owners of these programs don't also know about conation? After all, conation is one of the least 1,000 used words in the English dictionary.

Or could there be conspiracy to prevent people from knowing about it?

It may appear so, but I have no evidence to prove it.

All I know is that the ignored faculty is arguably the most powerful because...'s the only faculty that harnesses the power of the other two and creates physical, visible, real life changes. (Snow, 1989). 

Think about it for a moment...

You cannot change your world by just thinking, knowing or feeling.

Your moment-by-moment actions and inactions -- both the big and small ones -- determine to a large extent your life's successes or failures.

We often tend to treat our conscious decisions, choices, and actions as something that happens outside of the inner workings of our biology and psychology.

But it's NOT.

There are underlying mental processes that control these. 

And these processes may be the missing link between where you are right now and where you want to be. 

Conation Is Also What Connects Your Emotions 
To Your Intellect

It's the melting pot for the other two faculty of your mind (Baumeister, Bratslavsky, Muraven & Tice, 1998; Emmons, 1986).

When you desire something or someone...

When you make choices...

When you make plans of how to get what you want...

When you dream and fantasize...

Your conative mind is what is at work. (Franken, 1997)

When you wake up in the morning excited for the day (v.s. when you wake up in dread).

When you go for what you want. You are proactive (v.s. when you procrastinate).

When you just know what to do at every step of the way (v.s. when you always seem confused or lost).

Your Conative Mind Is What's In Action defines conation as the aspect of mental processes or behavior directed toward action or change and including impulse, desire, volition, and striving. (9)
It's the reason some people can recover fast and transform their life after a setback or break-up while others seem to wallow in depression and self-pity with no end in sight.

Your conative ability is the reason some people can succeed even in difficult situations while some other people fail even when they have a lot going for them (Goodyear, 1997).

Just like when you want to improve your abs, you lift dumb bells.

When you want to improve your intelligence, you work on improving your ability to think.

...And when you want to improve your emotional control and maturity, you work on your emotional intelligence.

In the same vein...

When you want to gain more control over the outcomes in your life, you improve your conative ability - your ability to seamlessly take actions that lead to the changes you desire.

So if you're having difficulties moving from where life has put you to where you want to be...

... chances are that your current situations are NOT the reason.

The conative part of your mind is probably weak.

You need to strengthen it.

Strengthening Your Conative Mind is More Critical Now Than Ever

Many years ago, the path to success was clear, simple, and straightforward.

Go to school. Get a degree. Get a job. Work very hard. Retire. And the company takes care of you for life.

Today, we all know how different the story is.

Nothing is clear anymore. Lots of Americans are wallowing in student loan debt. 

Jobs are NOT guaranteed. And people are constantly scared of losing their job.

That’s why strengthening the part of the mind responsible for manifesting the future you want is critical.
  • Bonus #1: 6 Steps To Dealing With Difficult People
  • Bonus #2: How To Instantly Shift Your Identity
  • Bonus #3: The 6 Phase Guided Meditation For Peace, Joy and Fulfillment

Then There Is Your Body

The Transformation Trilogy helps you remain healthy and fit. You stay energized and capable.

And at the end. You get to your “success” destination with lots of joy in your heart.

Why Most Self-Help Solution Seem NOT To Work That Well

The answer is simple.

The human being is a system. Like every system, everything is connected. 

You can't deal with any part in isolation.

But that is how nearly every self-help solutions out there are designed.

Take positive affirmation for example

I've met a lady who did it for two years. Yet, she didn't get any significant permanent change.

Why? It's because of a concept that psychologists call a cognitive dissonance.

This concept states that no two contradictory ideas can coexist in the mind.

What does this have to do with positive affirmation? 


Let's say Pete has a deep rooted believe that he's unlovable. Now you tell Pete to say to himself every morning, "I'm lovable."

What will happen is that his subconscious mind will say, "No you're NOT".

This conflict between what he want's to be (his affirmation) and what his believe system holds to be true makes the change he seeks difficult.

If Pete wants to change that belief and attract more love into his life, he needs to pay attention to what is already in his believe system.

He needs to deal with it first. He needs to uproot the old to install the new.

But most solutions don't pay attention to these nuances. That's why they don't work that well.

It's why they need lots of effort to get them to work


With The Transformation Trilogy, You Bypass All These Issues

You get a system that is...
  • Holistic
  • ​Tailored to your personality, needs, and situation and...
  • Brings fast and permanent changes
So if you're going through the pains of a divorce and want to heal fast...

If you're facing setbacks in your business, career, relationships or any other area of your life and you want to bounce back higher than you ever dreamed of...

If your life is generally an unhappy one and you wish to change that...

Then "Transformation Trilogy" may be the key to unlocking your potentials and changing your life for good.

So, Where Do You Learn How To Use 
The Transformation Trilogy?

Where do you find the details?
Inside my flagship program titled...
A Cutting-Edge Program That Shows You How To COMBINE Conative Development, Spiritual Principles & Physical Wellness To ACCELERATE Healing, Growth & Transformation
  • Bonus #1: 6 Steps To Dealing With Difficult People
  • Bonus #2: How To Instantly Shift Your Identity
  • Bonus #3: The 6 Phase Guided Meditation For Peace, Joy and Fulfillment


"Your Journey To Joy" 
IS NOT A Typical Course

  • It's NOT a 25-hours self-help course full of theory but lacking in action.
  • It's NOT a 198-page little-known-but-accidentally-revealed-top-secrets book
  • It's NOT some feel-good audio recording that gets you to squeeze out long hours everyday from your busy schedules

It is a PROVEN Personal  Transformation TOOLKIT!

What if transformation was as easy as getting access to a tool that gave you control over your mind and emotions so that you can get into the driver's seat and create the transformation you really truly want?

That's the "Your Journey To Joy" program.

It's a set of fill-in-the-blank workbook, sheet sheets and exercises that shows you in 3D, the state of your mind and emotions and allows you to make transformational changes from within. That way, you gain a superior perception, realizations, abilities, and drive to transform your life faster than you ever thought possible.


"Your Journey To Joy" Program
is NOT for Everyone

  • It’s NOT suited for people who are just looking to enjoy a lecture. The practice sessions may interfere.
  • It's NOT for people who are looking for a passive solution. There are several fill-in-the-blank workbooks, and simple activities to complete.
  • It's NOT for people who are looking to meditate their way into transformation. There is an OPTIONAL meditation activity if that’s your thing. But transformation is beyond just meditation.


It is specially designed for anybody who is looking for an holistic approach to personal transformation and permanent change.

Which includes anyone who...
  • Just got out of a breakup or divorce.
  • Has been divorced or separated for a while but is finding it difficult to move on
  • Wants to completely heal emotionally after a breakup
  • ​Is going through financial difficulties
  • ​Is having a rocky relationship
  • ​Wants to start dating again but is afraid
  • ​Is having difficulties achieving success 
  • ​Wants to become a better version of herself
  • ​Experience a joyful and more fulfilled life
  • ​Enjoy accelerated career or business growth
  • ​Etcetera.

What's Inside?

This program is designed to allow you go past the learning (study) phase in 6 days – or less – and start implementing & transforming.

There are 6 modules in all

First it comes with video lessons that breaks down the concepts and theories behind each module.

Then there are sets of fill-in-the-blank workbooks, checklists, and assignments that help you create the actual transformation

Each module contains approximately 35 minutes of video watch time. These videos have been broken down into smaller digestible video lessons

Some are as short as 3 minutes with the longest being only 15 minutes.

And because it’s online, you can access it anywhere and be flexible with your time.

If you focus on 1 module per day. In 6 days, you’ll be done with the whole program and be ready to start applying the lessons.

I've Thematically Divided The Program into 3 Sections

  • SECTION #1 is about your Spirit. It shows you how to apply spiritual principles to remain positive and joyful even in the face of adversity.
  • SECTION #2 is about your mind. It strengthens your conation. That way, you have the mental resilience and ability to transform your life.
  • SECTION #3 is about your body. You will discover little-known principles for staying fit, energized, and keeping the fats away.

Module 1 & 2 Covers Mindset & Spiritual Principles

You will build habits and attitudes that helps you in your day-to-day activities to stay happy and positive even if things seem challenging at the moment.

In Module 1, You Will… 
Start Getting Unbelievably Simple But Incredibly Effective Gold Nuggets That You Can Start Implementing & Seeing Results With From Day 1
It shows you practical tips and tricks that you can begin to implement immediately in every area of your life.

For example, you will learn…

  • 3 steps to avoid overwhelm & accomplish anything. This helps you face life's challenges, goals, and tasks with clear thinking, confidence, and calmness. Without these emotional and mental states, facing life’s challenges will feel like moving against a strong ocean tide – very difficult.
  • ​How to fight insomnia & have a peaceful, restful, rejuvenating sleep. Negative emotions like worry, depression, and despair can rub us of sleep. It becomes worse when you can’t function properly during the day because of sleep deprivation. This simple mental technique will help you regain your sleep starting tonight.
  • How to use the worry box technique to eliminate worry from your life. 
  • ​How to clear out negative thoughts and replace them with positives.
  • ​How to attract the life you want using words (HINT: it is NOT what you think)
  • ​Why discovering and aligning with your true values is the secret to true happiness
  • Why having empowering beliefs that align with your true values is the key to joy, peace of mind, fulfillment, and prosperity
In Module 2, You Will…
Learn How To Use Your Spirituality To Further Accelerate Your Transformation
This is an extremely important but often ignored part of self-development and growth. But we won’t ignore it.

You will discover…

  • Why the world has the secret to success all upside down
  •   One simple technique for forcing your nervous system to drench you with happy thoughts & emotions no matter how terrible you may be feeling right now
  • How one shift in focus is the secret to becoming happy.
  • ​One simple but powerful exercise for instantly getting rid of self-pity and drenching yourself with an intense bout of good feelings
  • How to harness God's power to release the feeling of resentment and hurt from your system and avoid manifesting physical diseases caused by negative emotions

Module 3, 4, & 5 Develops Your Conative Abilities

You will discover one of the most powerful ways to strengthen your conation, overcome breakups and setbacks and bring your dreams to reality. 

It is a technique called…

Conative Transformational Development (CTD)™

This is a simple 3-step process for reprograming your mind and attracting the future you truly really want – even if it seems impossible right now.

CTD™ - Educate

This is the stage where you dive into the depths of your subconscious to uncover exactly how things are at the moment.

With the proper CTD tools, you will uncover the parts of your thought processes that have been sabotaging you.

You will get a clear picture of what you truly, really want – and what you don’t.

You’ll also find out the content and structures of your subconscious thoughts.
In Module 3, You Will…
Dive Into Your Subconscious To Discover How Things Are At The Moment
This is the start of the Conative Transformational Development (CTD) process.

You will…

  • Get crystal clear on what you want – and don’t want
  • Discover the mental processes that are sabotaging your success and root them out
  • Discover and install new empowering beliefs that align with your true values
  • ​How to become your own teacher by tapping into the wealth of wisdom locked within your subconscious

CTD™ - Motivate

Unlike other programs that treat motivation as a one-size-fits-all thing, this program...

...finds your UNIQUE fuel for firing yourself up for a successful and a prosperous future.

In this step, you uncover the raw materials from your subconscious mind that you need to power your emotions and keep you motivated throughout this journey.

Learn the best ways to motivate yourself and keep being motivated.
In Module 4, You Will…
Discover The Best Way To Motivate Yourself & Keep The Fire Burning
You will learn…
  • How to discover the real "whys" behind your wants and desires so that you can use them to keep yourself fired up
  • How to align your desires with the supreme being and go deeper into being your true unique self
  • ​How to use a simple self-talk language pattern to throw procrastination out of the window 
  • How to use a simple mental reframing technique to turn a task that feels painful or uncomfortable into one that fills you with so much pleasure
  • ​How to use the what-what-why statement technique to synergize the educate stage with the motivate stage

CTD™ - Activate & Participate

Here is where it all comes together.

At this stage, you install the new mental processes, motivational drivers, and subconscious habits that you generated in the earlier stages.

You will effortly take the personalized actions that leads to your transformation and fulfilment.

In Module 5, You Will…
Install Your New Desires, Empowering Beliefs, Habits, Motivation, And Skills Into Your Subconscious
You will start by learning how to use questions to set your mind in the right direction.

You will learn…
  • How to use unique meditation, writing, and journaling techniques to start installing these changes into your subconscious.
  • ​How to enjoy the journey
  • How to use the bucket of rocks technique to prioritize what to install first – or next.
  • ​How to breakdown the process into tiny manageable chunks using a special scheduling technique
Module 6 Covers The Body
Here, you will benefit from my years of experience and my wealth of knowledge in the area of physical fitness...
You will discover little-known techniques for staying fit, energized, and healthy all day long.

For example, you will learn…

  • Why most Americans may be losing the wrong type of weight.
  • Why most people who lose weight grow it all back.
  • How to lose weight and keep it away for good.
  • ​The best exercise to do (the answer may surprise you)
  • ​How to exercise often without it feeling like an exercise
  • ​How to have high daily energy, decrease stress, fight pain, and boost immunity
  • How to apply the FIT principle to boost your wellness

Why Did I Create This Program?

Well, I've been blessed to train, coach, and motivate over 350+ people in my 30+ years as a coach.

I've seen the happiness and transformation that my job bring to people's life. And that has been my biggest reward. 

The feeling of knowing that I'm doing good in the world.

But then I discovered online courses and realized that I can help many more people with it. 

So I packaged my best knowledge, expertise and experience into an easy-to-follow course anybody can follow to make the changes they want in their lives.

And that was the birth of this program.
How To Get Access
3 Simple Steps
STEP #1: As you scroll through this page, you will notice BIG green buttons that look exactly like this…
STEP #2: When you tap on any of them, you will be taken to a checkout page that looks like this…

Mobile view
Scroll to the bottom. You will see this...
Mobile view
You will ONLY be asked for your billing details. Nothing more. Nothing less.

You will get an option to either pay $197 one time. Or make 4 payments of $59.97 via your credit (or debit) card.
Mobile view
This payment is temporary as you can request to get your money back if you change your mind . (More on this later).
STEP #3: Immediately after your payment processing is complete (usually takes 2 - 3 seconds - depending on your network speed), your account creation page will open.

It  will look like this…
Mobile view
This is where you create your login credentials. An email and password are all you need.

With these credentials, you can access the program anywhere from any internet-connected device. That way, you will enjoy flexibility.

Enroll now...

How Much Is This Program?

I charge $170/hour for my private sessions. My minimum session is 12. 

So people who hire me to coach them spend at the least $2,000.

But this is really limiting. 

Not everybody can afford $2,000 to hire a coach. And even if everybody can, there is only a limited number of people I can work with at any given time.

Which was part of the reason I created this program because, if I wanted to reach out to more people, I needed a way to help more people more effectively.

That's why I created a $197 program. Yeah, $197 is the price of this program.

But that's NOT how much you're going to pay.

I figured that if I could cut the cost for a couple of days, I could reach more people who are genuinely interested but may be held back by the price.

It's NOT for everybody and only you can decide if this is for you or not.

So if you've gone through the content of this page and have decided that you may benefit from this program, you can get it NOW for just $47.

Get it and try it out. 

If you change your mind about it, just send me an email to You will get every penny sent back to you. No questions asked.

REAL VALUE: $2,000

Bonuses VALUE:  $203

Total VALUE:  $2,203


Or 4 Payments of $59.97

This Offer Expires By {{MMM}} {{D}}, {{YYYY}}

Take A Positive Action For A Positive Change

P.S: The biggest thing I hear from people is why didn't I start earlier? A Chinese proverb says "When is the best time to plant a tree? 20 years ago. When is the second best time? NOW

+ 3 Great Bonuses 
(Total Value: $203)

BONUS  #1: 6 Steps To Dealing With Difficult People

These 6 steps and strategies are not meant to be a bash the other person exercise. 

You were probably wronged somewhere along the line.

This is to help you heal and make you whole again. To bring back joy, peace, strength and trust with a proven step by step method.

You will learn to go from a victim to a victor

Not to be a doormat but to be your true unique self with peace, confidence and the outcome you want.

VALUE: $129

BONUS #2: How To Instantly Shift Your Identity

Instantly learn how to make the right choices and decisions that lead you to the person you want to be. You will breakthrough to the next level.

You will learn how to program your mind and be proactive and STOP making the wrong choices.

Become the person you want to be with this proven meditation and strategy.

VALUE: $74

BONUS #3: The 6 Phase Guided Meditation For Peace, Joy and Fulfillment

You will have more peace, love, compassion and blessings in your life by going through these 6 phases. 

After the meditation you will have an incredible sense of peace.

VALUE: $Priceless



OR 4 Payments of $59.97

100% Satisfaction... Or Your Money Back
No Questions Asked. No Explanation Needed.
If for any reason in the next 30 days - any reason at all - you change your mind. In fact, you don’t even need a reason.

Just send an email to with the title, I want my money back. (or with any title you so choose to express your desire with).
You can even ignore the email body.

Immediately we receive your email. We will send you your money back.

That’s how easy getting your money back is.

So the ball is in your court. It's all up to you.
Why Am I Giving Your Money Back To You
Because if I can’t deliver on my promises, I don’t deserve a penny of your money. 

I want you to go through the program and rest assured that all the financial risks are on me.

If you don’t like the program, you can just send in that email and it will be like it never happened.

Sure, it will still cost you a little amount of time and effort to go through the program. 

But considering how different your finance, relationships, career, and lifestyle may change forever, isn’t it worth the effort?

So now that the risks are gone, the only smart direction to move is forward. Don’t you think?

Instant Access
The videos, workbooks, worksheets, and every part of the course are all online. So, no need to wait for the mailman. You get instant access.

Immediately after you complete your order, you’ll be taken to a page where you will create a login credential with only an email and a password.

When you log in, you’ll instatly access everything.

No Upgrade or Add-on On The Next Page

This is The Complete Program. 

This is NOT one of those programs that sell the incomplete part of a program in the front end and then sell you necessary add-ons, upsells, or upgrades on the next page.

This is the complete program. 

No upgrades or anything like that. What you're purchasing right here, right now is the full solution.

Nothing else to buy.

These strategies, principles and tools will start to immediately bring back your joy so you can wake up each morning feeling that joy, peace and confidence in your relationships, business and health.
  • Anger and resentment to peace and joy
  • Stress and anxiety to calm and confident
  • A setback or breakup to hope, faith and love
Here’s What People Are Saying:
 I did a course with Mike called “Your Journey To Joy". This was after being diagnosed with a terminal cancer. I believe this program helped me overcome my fear and anxiety and helped in my complete recovery despite the odds. He helped me get to the core!!! I did many courses over 30 years. Mike is a great coach.
Dr. Kathlynn Hoch
 Mike has transformed me into the person I knew I could be. My belief systems were filled by reasons of fear and hopelessness. Now I'm empowered by trust, love, joy, peace and belief in myself. Thank you Mike!
 Paul Kearney, CEO, Atlantis Spots Clubs
 And on the personal side, feeling the freedom of being confident to take time out of the office has been priceless. This has strengthened our family life and given me absolute peace and joy to be totally with my children and husband. It’s challenging to wear so many hats as a working mom. What a gift to have a well balanced work - life reality.
Dr. Carol DeFranca
Now, What Next?
If you’ve read this far, you’re probably somewhat interested.

Maybe you’re still on the fence. 

Maybe you’ve tried similar products that didn’t deliver on their promises. And now, you may be skeptical.

You’re right to think and feel that way.

After all, you’re just getting to know me. This is probably my first program you’re enrolling in.

But what if it delivers on the promises? 

What if it really, truly can transform your finances, relationships and lifestyle?

What’s the best way to find out?

The best way is to try it out, risk-free. Hit that big green button below. Access the program. Try it out. 

If it’s NOT what I say it is, just send that email. 

You will get every penny sent back to you. It will be like it never happened.

Judy Coughlin, Boston, MA
 I applied the skills to stop worry and now I'm starting my dream job, started piano lessons and have a much healthier and beautiful relationship with my sons. My mind is definitely at peace and joyful

It's Time To Stop Waking Up With Worry, Fear, Anger Or Resentment And Waking Each Day With Joy and A Loving Trusting Relationship, A Prosperous Business and Vibrant Health.

Quick summary of what you'll get:
  • Detailed Conitive Transformational Development (CTD) Process
  • 12+ Quick action tips
  • 6 Modules With 29 Video Lessons
  • Your Journey To Joy Workbook
  • PDF Worksheets
  • Step By Step Exercises
  • Guided Cleansing Meditations
  • Real Life Examples
  • Bonus #1: 6 Steps To Dealing With Difficult People
  • Bonus #2: How To Instantly Shift Your Identity
  • Bonus #3: The 6 Phase Guided Meditation For Peace, Joy and Fulfillment



OR 4 Payments of $59.97


What Are You Waiting For?

Take A Positive Action For A Positive Result

P.S: The biggest thing I hear from people is why didn't I start earlier? A Chinese proverb says "When is the best time to plant a tree? 20 years ago. When is the second best time? NOW
Why Get This Program NOW?
Whether you get this program or not is your choice. In fact, you don't have to if it's NOT for you.

But if you've got to this stage, then at least, you're considering it.

Here are some reasons why you may want to take that step now...
  • You may NEVER get the opportunity again. 
Think about it for a moment.  An ad brought you to this page

If you leave, what are the chances you’ll see that ad again? Low, right? 

That's why you may want to consider tapping that big green button.
  • Get your money back, if you change your mind.
Remember that if you try out this program and you don’t like it, all you need do is send an email to

It will be as though it never happened. So what do you have to lose?
  • This may be what you REALLY need right now but you may never know until you try it out.
You may decide to hit the back button and never see this page again.

In that case, nothing will change. Your life may remain the way it has always been or get worse.

Or, you may decide to try out this program and find out just how life-transforming it could be.

Remember that there is no risk.

You get your money back if you don’t like it. No questions asked.

So what would it be?

Would you hit the back button and have your life remain the way it currently is?

Or will you take the chance and avoid denying yourself the opportunity to find out how life-improving this simple-to-implement program can be for you?

The choice is yours...
Have a question or comment? Please email me at
To your transformation, breakthrough and bounce back...
Michael Sassorossi,
Bounce Back Coach.
P.S. Remember that if it doesn't work out, you can get your money back. But if it works, you get to transform your life forever. So what do you have to lose? If you don't take the chance, you may never find out.
  • Does Success Lead to Happiness? -
  • Happiness -,from%20contentment%20to%20intense%20joy.
  • ​,adversity%2C%20and%20build%20strong%20relationships
  • ​Tri Component Attitude Model -
  • Snow, R. (1989). Toward assessment of cognitive and conative structures in learning. Educational Researcher, 18(9), 8-14.
  • ​Baumeister, R., Bratslavsky, E., Muraven, M., & Tice, D. (1998). Ego depletion: Is the active self a limited resource? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74(5), 1252-1265.
  • ​Franken, R. (1997). Human motivation (4th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.
  • Conation -
  • ​Goodyear, R. (1997). Psychological expertise and the role of individual differences: An exploration of issues. Educational Psychology Review, 9(3), 251-265.
Quick summary of what you'll get:
  • Detailed Conitive Transformational Development (CTD) Process
  • 12+ Quick action tips
  • 6 Modules With 29 Video Lessons
  • Your Journey To Joy Workbook
  • PDF Worksheets
  • Step By Step Exercises
  • Guided Cleansing Meditations
  • Real Life Examples
  • Bonus #1: 6 Steps To Dealing With Difficult People
  • Bonus #2: How To Instantly Shift Your Identity
  • Bonus #3: The 6 Phase Guided Meditation For Peace, Joy and Fulfillment



OR 4 Payments of $59.97


What Are You Waiting For?

Take A Positive Action For A Positive Result

P.S: The biggest thing I hear from people is why didn't I start earlier? A Chinese proverb says "When is the best time to plant a tree? 20 years ago. When is the second best time? NOW
Copyright © 2024 • All Rights Reserved
In Addition To Learning the CTD 3-step Process
Here Are Other Things you’ll Discover...
  • Why the world has the secret to success all upside down
  • ​​How to use the “worry box” technique to eliminate worry from your life
  • ​One simple technique for forcing your nervous system to drench you with happy thoughts and feelings no matter how shitty you may be feeling right now
  • ​​How one shift in focus is the secret to becoming happy
  • ​One simple but powerful exercise for instantly getting rid of self-pity and drenching yourself with intense bout of good feelings
  • ​How to release the feeling of resentment and hurt from your system and avoid manifesting physical disease caused by negative emotions
  • ​3 steps to avoid overwhelm and accomplish anything
  • ​How to develop a mindset of peace
  • ​How to fight insomnia & have a peaceful, restful, rejuvenating sleep
  • ​​Why discovering and aligning with your true values is the secret to true happiness
  • ​Why having an empowering believe that aligns with your true value is the key to joy, peace of mind, fulfilment, prosperity, and loving caring relationships
  • ​​How to clear out negative thoughts and replace them with positives
  • ​​How to attract the life you want using words (HINT: it’s NOT what you think)
  • ​And a whole lot more...